How to create positive culture on school?

Positive culture is an essential term for the school and learning. The students behavior, teachers attitude, atmosphere, etc are included the positive culture of the school. The positive culture is more important to the study, the positive culture giving the confidence for the study; the students are showing the interested. The school culture is also more important to the development of the student’s behavior. The school culture plays an important role for making the good behavior of the students. The school culture is based on the different factors. Some ways for creating the good culture is; first factor is the relationship; the teacher student, student teacher, parent teacher relationships are more essential for a good school culture. The student teacher relationship is more important for study. That is, the teachers are the second parent of the students, so to following the rules of the teacher is important to a student. The academic year the good teacher student relationship is essential. The students are maximum try to obey the rules of the teacher, the teacher also behave very friendly and happy with the students. The students are maximum try to impress their teachers. Also the parent’s teacher relationship is important. It improves the student teacher relation. The good relationship makes a good school culture. The next term is, teach the essential skills. The school is an good place for learning the values, that is the students are learning the basic social values likes how to respect others, how to listen others, etc. The student’s behavior is more important. The teacher will also contain the responsibilities for making the social skill by the student. The students are learning the basic social skill; that is the reliability, honesty, sensitivity and concern into the school. The teachers are teaching the different skill by using different way, for example by conducting some activities or other ways.

The next term is the clarification of the school and classroom rules. The rules of the school and the class room is more important to the good school culture, The school rule is more effecting the students, the class room rules are making is depended on the class teachers. The teacher’s attitude, interest of teaching and the teacher’s behavior are more influencing the class room rules. The good school and class room rules are essential to the student. This rule is taking an important role for the creation of the good school culture. The skill of the teacher is an important factor. The teachers are also learning how to solve the student’s problems. That is there are different problems are occur the class room. That time the teacher will solve and give good instructions for the students. Next is the role model. The Teachers are the role model for many students, so the students are copying the behavior of the teacher. The behavior of the teacher is more influencing the student’s behavior. To crating the strong academic achievement is more essential for the good school culture. Achieving the social and emotional success for the students, the role of the teacher is not at all simple. The establishment of the positive ratio is also an important factor for making the good school culture. The school atmosphere is also depended for the making of good culture. The good and the pleasant atmosphere are essential for the positive learning. The positive atmosphere will give the confidence and interest to student for learning. These are the common factor for depend the good school culture.